Chinese Artist Kwong Lum presents Artwork to Johnson Museum


Event Details

Host: CAAA (Cornell Asian Alumni Association)
Featuring Artist: Kwong Lum
Date: January 21, 2012
Location: CAAA Banquet

About the Event

The Chinese artist Kwong Lum, who is best known for ink splash paintings, a technique that adapts the ancient art of calligraphy to abstract paintings, recently endowed Cornell University's Johnson Museum with a painting titled Excerpt from a Poem by Li Bai

The painting was accepted during the annual Cornell Asian Alumni Association banquet on Jan.. 21. At that time, Frank Robinson, recently retired Director of the Herbert F. Johnson Museum of Art, acknowledged the gift with this statement:"It's very exciting, and it symbolizes the great, intimate relationship Cornell and the Johnson Museum have with Asia and Asian Art."

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Chinese artist Kwong Lum presents artwork to Johnson Museum Auction Central News

Artist Background

Kwong Lum was born in China and has resided in New York City for the past forty years. Throughout that time, Lum has been active in promoting the cultural and economic exchanges between China and the West. He is the subject of a four-part TV documentary by China Central Television

Kwong Lum in married to Mary Ann Lum of Toronto. They are the parents of two adult children.

Kwong Lum Books